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How to recruit and retain Global Talent

We love what we do

More than ever before corporate success is closely related to the company bench strength. In a globalized economy the race for attracting and retaining top performers is fiercely competitive.


Like with all other aspects of global management, cross-border people management requires specific knowledge about what drives people of various origin and how to achieve business goals when managing global talent.

We are uniquely positioned to command the combined consequences of National and Organizational Culture for global business management.

People Management around the World


We design programs that help companies deal with challenges related to strategic talent-oriented goals, such as: management of outsourced operations, boosting innovation, capitalizing on diversity.


By means of our highly interactive workshops, case studies and simulations, executives in charge of matching the best talent to the task are trained to understand:

  • different expectations which different Cultures have about a job interview

  • variance of communication styles across Cultures and how to adjust to that

  • the different cultural factors that influence performance evaluation 

  • what to expect when you need information sharing, feedback, or out-of-the-box ideas in a diverse cultural context

  • what motivates (or, not) top talent for upwards mobility

  • analytical tools and checks that reveal the degree to which executives' style matches organizational culture, and how to maximize it for performance 

The Guide to Global Talent


Research-based solutions      Hands-on skills       Practical outcomes


Being able to find and to retain the best recruits from across the global pool of talent has become an integral part of executive tasks in today's globally distributed corporations.


Our programs provide the basics for talent management of global teams.

Our solutions are a product of years of research and thousands of statistical results across more than 70 countries around the world.

  Modules we typically cover:

  • Implications of national Cultures upon perceptions of what is a good workplace 

  • Culture factors in people management

  • ​Interviewing across nations - interpretation of candidate behavior during job interviews, presentation variances in Cultures

  • Motivation of diverse workforce - cultural singularities and behavior drivers

  • Engagement of multicultural teams - perceptions of leadership style, structuring accountability, goal setting and strategy implementation

  • Everyday management for different mindsets - guidelines to sensitive points (task delegation, deadlines and perceptions of time, exercise of control, handling information, English language traps, body language in different cultures)

  • Performance evaluation in diverse teams - applying key performance indicators in cross-cultural settings, culturally approapriate feedback, style adaptations in appraisal interviews

  • Career management and development of international workforce - composition of multinational teams, training needs for country managers, improvement of international agility for top executives

  • Diversity challenges in multinational corporations - age and gender factors across the Culture Clusters

  • Aligning corporate culture to national local cultures

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Global Sales Negotiations managemen
  Who it is for

Learning the fundamentals in talent management across Cultures is a must for executives and line managers in People Management divisions of global companies.


As well as for all who want to improve their cross-cultural skills for successful application of:


- Motivation factors

in order to structure the right incentives and engage teams for desired outcomes


- Performance evaluation factors

in order to achieve better aligning of people to strategic goals in their organizations


- Mobility factors

in order to promote international career growth of key leadership performers


Diversity factors

in order to face and overcome diversity challenges and enhance the innovation index of their organizations


       2017 Culturebox

3501 Ocean View Blvd, Montrose CA 91208, contact: office(at)

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